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Oct 27, 2023

Sector 2814 Ep #141: Green Lantern - The Curse of the Alpha Lantern

Welcome back to Sector 2814, the Green Lantern podcast. In this episode Phil and Will review Green Lantern Corps #20 (March 2008) featuring the aftermath of the Sinestro Corps War as Guy Gardner and Kyle Rayner move to Oa for a fresh start and Mongul takes a yellow power ring and “The Curse of the Alpha Lantern” from Green Lantern Corps #21-#22 (April & May 2008) featuring the origin of Boodikka and how her past affects her new future as an Alpha Lantern. PLUS: discussion of all the upcoming Green Lantern titles and something for every Lantern fans Christmas list.


Tune in today and don’t forget to review the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, and anywhere else you can! 


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Will Allred:


Produced by: The Capes and Lunatics Sidekicks Podcast


Production Team: Phil Perich

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