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Sep 21, 2016

World’s Finest: Tim Drake, Man of the Week

Earth 2: Society #16—Phil-3.5
Wonder Woman 77 #27—Lilith-4.75 (Lilith’s pick of the week #1)
Wonder Woman #6—Phil-4
Suicide Squad #2—Phil-3.5
Gotham Academy: Second Semester #1—Lilith-5 (Lilith’s pick of the week #2)
Detective Comics #940—Lilith-4.25, Phil-5 (Phil’s pick of the week #1)
Teen Titans #24—Lilith-4.5, Phil-4.5
Flash #6—Phil-3.75
Hal Jordan & The Green Lantern Corps #4—Lilith-4, Phil-4.25
Green Lanterns #6—Lilith-3.75, Phil-3.75
Superwoman #2—Phil-4.25
Batgirl & The Birds of Prey #2—Lilith-3.5
Action Comics #963—Lilith-3.75, Phil-4
Deathstroke #2—Lilith-4, Phil-4.25
Red Hood & The Outlaws #2—Lilith-4.5, Phil-4.75 (Phil’s pick of the week #2)
All Star Batman #2—Phil-3.5
New Super-Man #3—Charlie-3.75
Show notes:
World’s Finest 9-14-2016: Tim Drake, Man of the Week

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Produced by:

Production Team: Phil Perich, Rob Southgate