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Oct 10, 2019

Deadpool #45 (2000): Wade’s World— The Deadpool Podcast Episode #90

In this week’s episode, our (anti)heroes review Deadpool #45 “Johnny Handsome Bites The Dust” from October 2000.  Random nonsense includes the upcoming Deadpool run by Kelly Thompson, the career of Tom Cruise, and the Austin Powers movies.

Show notes: Deadpool #45 (2000): Wade's World--The Deadpool Podcast Episode #90

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Deadpool #45 (2000): Wades World The Deadpool Podcast Episode #90

00:00:00 - 00:05:16

This episode of keeps you pick sidekicks is brought to you by tweet Danica get awesome headphones get tweaked audio dot com and use the coupon code South East thirty percent offer chipping in a lifetime warranty where can get there through the link on our website southgate needed groups dot com as world podcast you know he was a big comic and soon to be TV star back in the day slow thoughts scene they him herself rear back other shows finally you get the unlimited that's what she this is a helicopter hack yes like whoa said joining handsome bites the dust or if the slick pink I was GonNa say my looks let's get through yes finally the end the final the end of the Christopher priest run deadpool forty the worst PG thirteen boundaries missile hellfire they'll reach out to her now about interview when issue one comes out 'cause I know she's so busy so yeah may will redone here I wore I write that pool I knew funny and these people were funny but in a way Josh but anyway so this since the crisper pre saga ends as it begins in the thirteenth volume watered comics although issue too is still set for December fourth so I'll think it may be all week okay but yeah I just saw today I guess it's been pushed back week from November six two on such as this is Kelly calm in the raiders deadpool and you're listening to the world's number one deadpool podcast that's what she said Taylor Park Secrets being revealed although today talking Oh but this yeah this I seen in the tree will contact her be like bringer that's what she said jokes we definitely needed you carry five from October two thousand ads I hope you're live in the year two thousand don't you write me Mr whipped anyway hey hey don't threaten me on gives you could have been born you're I know you're nineteen others in the world teenager she could pass for Nineteen Deibel you know black crack the move deadpool go for deadpool warning warning skirt thirteen line rob southgate to now now the park in this all the canceled here is that preschool cancel ray mood nights in here anyway this is just such a weird issue daylights on those he's back its base and attacking some general what is really the cover though I will say what titanium but cheap really pg thirteen accused what rubs up to now plausible deniability time I will sit here in silence and push the buttons yeah that's why you're the Galleria I think ways will be the perfect place for that would you want to do that take the slow oh OK P r o I don't think have we don't it's been so long I can't remember we talk about that that dead polls will the new series is starting again in November written by our friend Kelly dive right into the pool anyway before we jump into a finish off the last issue of Christopher priest run only Lord Oh lord if you got We got dead Porn Gi Joe Colleagues back in the day O.

00:05:19 - 00:19:48

M. Homemade yeah and if you've been joe to pursue ways world several of the all every week so okay hoping sees like attack in where's the Saudis the inside of the helicopters attack in some general or something two thousand in two thousand eighteen twenty twenty that's right but yeah we see constrictor and Titania in like vacuum tubes ways world podcast look I am filled warning me as always the mistress of pain would this is such a little side plot I down best we'll see titanic undergo a startling transformation yeah yeah congressionally gave the warning Rob scalping fill out now plausible deniability the whole Jim Gordon our who got mourners news at another one for the policy two thousand they were cutting books left and rights yeah now they wish they could get the numbers for again maybe priest and more plan for this but had to cut it off prematurely speaking of cutting off prematurely as copycat chains back from the woman she's like this is the part that road so long sailor yeah yeah I think that's I'm just wondering if he found out in the shade is about the first person as we know but constricted coffee Cath Seattle on is painful she talking about the twin grown the twin berries and then by castle on so we get Caitlyn Jenner on the phone it ever shuts up oh you talk though I've ever seen that the US Lake your song you decided to in this particular wrong particular issue like I was the think we mentioned this before we're talking to priests run they like cut him off like prematurely Manny Sh our gone asa I love it by of course how did you knows me of course in the constrictors theory was like titanic was really a man so when she shapes it for the no man he's like Bingo man but no yeah of course he doesn't know who we are I've never listened the waves world's top are really nobody should knew it but goring brand unnecessary yeah it's from space and from that Black Panther Crossover turned on him but Jonathan we could greet in that realtor again and then that WHO's making tone or breakfast he's like he's like of course I news you've Tanna for weeks he's like you know could we were involved we know each other Allan Stern blue then she took off she changes in the looks like one of the guards this is Hayden all he kisses Hayden and they're like what then he backhands miles across the room is I highlight got finished Wow those the banner Hebrews year he police department a couple of Mill Weird Rob Southgate's dark nights he he the owner and then he's like thought we ended up his friends See deadpool circle chase each the footnote says ah episode one hundred madness spin around for hundred episodes because I think this is episode ninety that in the nineties of answer your first question is Chat App Yea Heaven Forbid we explained anything we'll she says cups is what he said all right supposedly book wasn't thousand the Butch and then taskmaster comes up on the screen to it always goes back taskmaster with deadpool doesn't it secrets often something you don't see who oh my Lord Deadpool I was Sumer your technology that is enabling Copycat The simulataneous strength invulnerability you're scrolling scrolling down maybe I'll try to find the link again he comes home sheets up the place that he thinks his roommates the we're unlike season one all we're GONNA WE'RE GONNA have to figure out what we're doing for I think it was February maybe we're gonNA channel s like what does this Larry Ham Gigo some Kinda Crossover Episode Eagles like the wingless wizard that pulls like who the wingless wizard sorry not ring a bell remember that flashback thank God it's late nobody's Washington until the people was it is on the podcast like nine. Am or something talk now he's totally Oh yeah that's what Oh yeah I remember the movie trey where you can't turn away oh my Lord and then we're just get pages of like editors those I know Lazy Lazy Eight dollar an or issue fantastic organ the Circle Chaves the National Bieber Ryan Reynolds Loves Ordering Jackie AH guest appearance instead of this guy's behavior steak is he does oh that'd be the perfect team stake is you'd never talks dead the one episode I'll just sit here and hit buttons and you can do all the talking yes let's do that we should have did that for that okay then you know of course xs fighting she's like a toy you don't means I had an answer careers huge huge Jackman anyway taming the Charlie man all kind of nineties countdown feels less episodes e Allen for those who you need to know cares Cain weapon at the the weapon exit times a real dish back door story coming up to find out who garrison Kane is sh you boyfriend rush then deadpool's an anti charlie us her because the wizard comes up on the he's like a nephew whatever whatever shape he takes besides Hayden's perfume as much fruit ear who all the Senate it's there's worse combination raising every almost everyone loves task faster weights I come on the National Women's Day yeah welcome back the waves roll people they know what listening to this that she made oh my Lord Charlie Ulcer you'd better not read as the other they blow the blow up the place they were staying decapitated showed up in the Joe Kelly run here and then later on you know the Gail Simone issues we cover these their master dead cool to see the symmetry of like our wacky at show thinking accused by like that like the straight may the case don't fat and after the editor's notes Waiting Vanessa fighting and not romantic way then he said green mouth the wingless wizard aw that's when she do the only time we get Charlie yesterday's go the professor I said I'm the professor back when you were in the fray for for a couple issues ago dead boy as I remember made a bet with myself see how many times he e he's asking taskmaster in wizard a family jobs not pay for Sir I'll say are you saying Hugh Jackman douchebag her character Ghulam just for his name alone I'll ever nice these bags it's like was it moving over in relation to have a word with you sh- nick cars of thank number in her face archie he's like here to shave it off your face till you write it down initially it was F- I just I don't know level would be real depends on the right are you calling the auto octavius statue my favorite part transfers nightmares so yeah so the worst nightmares David no bad luck as Britain era but enough of that will join us back maximum efforts they'll common sense chocolate that's for sure Nasty Talk Mitch her name for a while before Christopher priest honor I think he said it was out secrets so then we get to joke that walks into a bar he should've saw coming works we get that splash page never lived up to this last way early editors I'm trying to remember I think when I was talking to jammed the mathis on ultimate spider can scroll down walking down the street and Hay is cancer phases back then he's like wait a minute I don't get it what how my face so he's he's sitting there drinking his troubles away and thinking about the curse Loki put on the memory so as Tom Cruise's face forgiveness is like wait a minute they will guy who runs back to the barn the old man has gone just the plot device tied everything up wait loot then Loki remember occurs Lucky said remember people occurs upon the what they've life fall into ruin until thou doth seek thy Father Get me say oh how dare you round other you blasphemer Lord and Savior thank you said a priest used the rate under the name wolves it was Jim was Jim Housley was the news is one of them really yeah I guess he must the road under it then some old guy some old uncle bend looking guy sits down that film starts talking each anyway so yes dead polls standing in the crater where they was at a town house whatever was count yes hey rough as rushed as it is I I still enjoy I liked it better than the space stuff and even some of those early awesome so they're going to go into talking they end up shaking hands and then rush than it seemed like the I like the last second but I'd say it's either plus or minus just compared to that space stuff the respect well then he decides on the last page go back that air freshener at the plate God this is over into say that's the only reason I'm mentioning because the mouth is already mentioned it that guy is wikipedia so yeah yeah all of our listeners uh-huh okay how about the price run over all all the issues what would you great it really brings it down to about to be minus forgot about the whole in-space crisper is wrong that is get blacked out of five I don't rely a lot of the some of those early issues you know there was an issue where they went we went house hunting really I know it was in deadpool two so yeah I mean if he was up at needs to know anyway so yeah so three grade were what was the issue was a C.

00:19:48 - 00:21:07

market the interview it's on the last name Yeah I get it okay aw he didn't get to do needed to do yeah I might have you copycat really thankfully not not it seems again I don't know if he had planned for more issues but it just seemed like yeah the Tom Cruise thing it's like okay let's Stop Tom Cruise's face on their ill got like an issue too of jokes out of that Annan fodder for Spiderman and her to the punch in the face but you know I I again at like the better than space stuff I like the better than the I'm looking for Tom Cruise Dead Porno it's taught really talking about is either that the priest issues or oh Haiti no Brad Pitt Oh who's a famous actor in normal actor then wrote this whole thing and then a couple years later bouncing on the couch it was a familiar face who's WHO's a very recognizable face in the year two thousand items Tom Cruise because wasn't there like at least two mission impossible appeared that everybody's you know though wolf skins stricter he you know shit show up anywhere and just you know all that would have been so grateful to fall in like oh man says the plot device the raptors runner-up her he has she who's the Titian it'd be dead pulling one that we have to look into this now that 'cause he wants his pies I every time I see that if the vendors were made in the nineties I discourage occur I oh yeah like Eddie all kinds of at least one mission possible out I don't know if the second I just think increase art disrespected the onset I remember but we all know that that's the weekend we're at the beginning of the movie where they're making that movie they made that movie of Austin Powers Life Oh he palm cruise played Austin powers like yeah baby thirteen thousand eighteen hanging the actual guy off the plane the actual star not even stunt man you know I think they're time hey hey man he you know unless unless his when a priest favorite actor or something all the time because I have on tele- slot not as a Falcon and Tom Cruise the iron man out Robert in two thousand I'm here is the year two thousand they were probably looking at him for any Superhero Louis He's probably oh he he believes in himself and that's Great Oh and then he did that Cameo and was Austin powers I was the last one Goldmember he did yeah member eighth I mean we could we carry about those we did a review but we never did live commentary deadpool two like okay let me think normal actor I know Tom Cruise and then he just saw oo say starting point even though I hate it interview with their that was a crazy people didn't think I mean I'm happy gun the list goes on really for him or that all up the we'll try we'll try maybe if we may quit simulcast on screen no one else sees me Josh forever mission sequels though the you notice that it's like basic thousand two thousand six two thousand eleven three by now looking at you Disney time time we should have an animated series by now with that you're going to Keilor's that go viral anyway yes so send your thoughts I next week will be our part to complicate oh my Lord can you imagine if we just tweeted at her from the weights world that twitter why did you kill my what did you kill my animated series Taylor with do you do you not like fun you're based on he had a solid maybe c.

00:21:07 - 00:30:05

plus for me just that's these I really did not enjoy what the figure that out because episode one was that one commentary so the episode will be poll to look either we have twit pills to tell cancel the dead cartoon pass it on Asian it's not a shape shifter it's the real thing checkout work in progress keeps lunatics dot org subscribe to the case Lunatics Youtube Channel and are we maybe maybe one hundred but you know we have to have the Charlie Yep Book Dot Com Slash Wade's world podcast Atwood's world pot on twitter Palacio psychics on instagram and so clean newsletter at keeps lunatics dot Com blog call the voice mail that's right reach out and touch US phrasing Six one four three eight two two seven the Comeback Rob I censor missile I think the first came out many say yeah the first one yeah yeah I remember 'cause it was like I was my senior you're are teasing her tweeden varies callback call recall comeback connery reliance covered. I'll take the blame Christopher priest run was your idea for most of it I just forgot about the cause under a concrete I love scientology anyway and you can always watch us live on the Cape Lunatics facebook twitter and at get local dot com slash channels out by then on it's been carry the whole thing with Katie we loved him he has weirdness coming up with not one but two ghostwriters down and no one of them is not Nicholas cage unfortunate thing people's the part two of our flash UH special and then the week after we back for Wade's world where we're going to cover a dead pool team up eight ninety seven featuring that just just she has bought in your closet that'd be we knew three seven that's six one four thirty capes hey that's the number this is the podcast use that number 'cause you can talk deadpool you know we love ran the nonsense on this show a high school here is either ninety three one yeah mission imposs- listening to do hitting teeth out fairly also maybe that was it maybe that's what put it in his head in any way or redone yes a lot allocated dammit those guys nonsense we talked all Tom Cruise nonsense so and we don't cancel Chevy and Camp Rock and thanks Charlie yesterday at Hellfire I love how far enough about that but no you know we're he was doing his goal outraged okay so our junior high school okay so maybe works so you're you're rubbing off on